

Marketing & Design Agency

About Us

pbmedia tells your story, digitally.

We make high quality websites, beautiful videos, engaging social media and write first class content.

We're excellent designers, writers, videographers and content creators that find the words, pictures and videos you can't but wished you could.

?? That might be a great new website filled with first class content or keeping a website maintained and up to date with regular content.
?? Or making the video that introduces your business or organisation, or the videos that explain what you do and show off your team, that document your story or event.
?? It could keeping your social media up to date with our seasoned content creators.
?? Or maybe sending your email marketing every week like clockwork because you know that's the best way to get conversions - but you don't know where to start with the content.

We're all the digital marketing stuff you know needs to happen but you, your marketing manager or your team never has the time to do. And we're really good at it - check out our work here:


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Rep/Contact Info

Jon Bishop
Paul Burton
Joe Fisher
Libby Long
Claire Neville
Andy Pyle
Victoria Winwood